(a) and (b) imply (c)5 for each one-point set {x} is open, hence the family
of sets {x} is an open covering of E, and a finite subfamily can only be a
covering of E if E is finite. On the other hand, (c) implies both (a) and (b),
for each one point set being closed, every subset of E is closed as finite union
of closed sets, hence every subset of E is open, and therefore E is homeo-
morphic to a discrete space. Finally, as there is only a finite number of open
sets, E is compact.

(3.16.4) In a compact metric space E, any infinite sequence (xn) which has only
one cluster value a converges to a.

Suppose a is not the limit of (xn); then there would exist a number a > 0
such that there would be an infinite subsequence (xnt) of (xn) whose points
belong to E — E(a; a). By assumption, this subsequence has a cluster value
4, and as E - E(a; a) is closed, b belongs to E - B(a; a) by (3.13.7). The
sequence (xn) would thus have two distinct cluster values, contrary to

(3.16.5) Any continuous mapping f of a compact metric space E into a metric
space E' is uniformly continuous.

Suppose the contrary; there would then be a number a > 0 and two
sequences (xn) and (yn) of points of E such that d(xn,>yn) < l/n and
d'(f(xn),f(yn)) ^ a- We.can find a subsequence (xnk) converging to a point a,
and as d(xnk,ynk)< l/nk, it follows from the triangle inequality that the
sequence (ynk) also converges to a. But/is continuous at the point a, hence
there is a 5 > 0 such that d'(f(a),f(x)) < a/2 for d(a, x) < §. Take k such
that d(a,xni)<6, d(a,ynk)<S; then d'(f(xHk),f(ynk)) < a contrary to the
definition of the sequences (xn) and (yn).

(3.16.6) Let E be a compact metric space, (UA)A6L an open covering ofE.
There exists a number
a > 0 such that any open ball of radius a is contained in
at least one of the
U^ ("Lebesgue's property").

For every x 6 E, there exists an open ball B(.x; rj contained in one of the
sets UA. As the balls #(x; rx/2) form an open covering of E9 there exist a
finite number of points *, e E such that the balls Bfo; rxJ2) form a covering
of E. If a > 0 is the smallest of the numbers rxJ29 it satisfies the required
property: indeed, every x e E belongs to a ball Bfo; rX|/2) for some /, hence
B(x; a) is contained in Bfo; rxt) since a < rJ2; but by construction B(x,; rx)
is contained in some UA.